Ever wanted to show everyone that you are not a fool and that you are a child who will not let anyone let you down. If you are a good student without trying, you want to be the best student you have ever known. If you follow this advice from the beginning of the year, you will receive respect, good reputation and excellent academic results.
Prepare on the first day of study. Most children can't. You want to show the teacher that you plan ahead, prepare and work. If you don't understand something when the teacher is explaining, don't hesitate to ask. They like to see that both of you are interested in the subject and want to learn.
o Your homework It can be in between classes at home, the library just do it! If you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Track work Do not drop off during the week and press before the test. This thing is not only not working well But also makes you tired and concentrate on doing fewer tests It is much better to study less per day than cramming and stuffing yourself before the exam / answer / test. If you have a half-hour discipline per day, it will help you more than you imagine.
Set up good study habits immediately. When you reach college, it will be twice or three times the work load of the high school and you won't be able to follow it.
Organize your classroom in a mess. Sort by date in notebook or folder! Some teachers check the class.
Study every night, even if there is no test the next day You never know about pop questions. If your teacher teaches according to the texts in the chronological order, start reading in advance. This will help you understand what you are learning and what you are learning now to help you in the near future. Do not let the loan opportunity increase through you - you may not get 100% every time assigned, and extra credit will help you increase your grade after that.
Follow up on missed classes If you are not in class, be sure to receive a message from a trusted friend, study the lesson, and ask your teacher to do any work in the class that you might miss. This shows that you pay attention to your academic results.
Try to avoid forgetting homework, worksheets, slip, or whatever the teacher expects at home on the due date. Get it posted and place a reminder on your door so that you won't forget. If possible, try sending homework first. Do not rush in your class. Spend your time and answer all the responses. Being a great student not only But it means getting all A - only means that your work is as good as possible at the right time for the assignment and additional credit opportunities.
Is an idealist If you want to be one of the best students in your school, you have to make sure that your homework is perfect. Make sure all your assigned tasks are answered with full information. While missing a few points here or not having too many points, consistently missed scores can reduce your overall average score.
Getting to know your teacher Your teacher is more likely to help you if they know that you are diligent and will respect you more if they know you care and respect them both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to working to get good grades, also participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, art or discussion. Participate in class discussions and respectful discussions with other students. Good grades do not mean everything to enroll in or to apply to college. Your extra-curricular participation, average scores, grades, volunteer records and absences will all be considered.
o Your homework It can be in between classes at home, the library just do it! If you're stuck, don't be afraid to ask for help.
Track work Do not drop off during the week and press before the test. This thing is not only not working well But also makes you tired and concentrate on doing fewer tests It is much better to study less per day than cramming and stuffing yourself before the exam / answer / test. If you have a half-hour discipline per day, it will help you more than you imagine.
Set up good study habits immediately. When you reach college, it will be twice or three times the work load of the high school and you won't be able to follow it.
Organize your classroom in a mess. Sort by date in notebook or folder! Some teachers check the class.
Study every night, even if there is no test the next day You never know about pop questions. If your teacher teaches according to the texts in the chronological order, start reading in advance. This will help you understand what you are learning and what you are learning now to help you in the near future. Do not let the loan opportunity increase through you - you may not get 100% every time assigned, and extra credit will help you increase your grade after that.
Follow up on missed classes If you are not in class, be sure to receive a message from a trusted friend, study the lesson, and ask your teacher to do any work in the class that you might miss. This shows that you pay attention to your academic results.
Try to avoid forgetting homework, worksheets, slip, or whatever the teacher expects at home on the due date. Get it posted and place a reminder on your door so that you won't forget. If possible, try sending homework first. Do not rush in your class. Spend your time and answer all the responses. Being a great student not only But it means getting all A - only means that your work is as good as possible at the right time for the assignment and additional credit opportunities.
Is an idealist If you want to be one of the best students in your school, you have to make sure that your homework is perfect. Make sure all your assigned tasks are answered with full information. While missing a few points here or not having too many points, consistently missed scores can reduce your overall average score.
Getting to know your teacher Your teacher is more likely to help you if they know that you are diligent and will respect you more if they know you care and respect them both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to working to get good grades, also participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, music, art or discussion. Participate in class discussions and respectful discussions with other students. Good grades do not mean everything to enroll in or to apply to college. Your extra-curricular participation, average scores, grades, volunteer records and absences will all be considered.