How To Invest With NO MONEY Down: Turn $0 Into Infinite Returns

There are two different ways to get rich. One route is to utilize your own cash. The other path is to utilize Other People's Money, or as we call it at Rich Dad, OPM. One (utilizing your own cash) gives little to-humble returns, sets aside a long effort to work out, and requires some financial
Loved the book, thought how to think differently. Never viewed money liked that before . Unfortunately no how to do anything, and although interesting to listen to- big miss on his part. What about the logistics, disabled people who can’t get a do they get the money? Wish these would be tutorials on how to- from an extremely successful man.
$600k house, two beautiful cars, great job, country club member = no money at the end of the month. How do I get money? I’m selling the house, ending the country club membership, wife and I are moving into a rental, using the equity from the home to purchase our first two single family rentals. Most difficult decision I’ve ever made. Can’t imagine leaving the “asset” for a rental...but my eyes have been opened. The move alone saves us $3500 a month. At the end of the day it’s a simple no brainer. And we needed Robert Kiyosaki to help us realize that. Wake up people. Seriously. Do the math. He’s dead right. Period.